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Online Grooming

What Is It?

Online grooming is the process of sexualizing online interactions with children, often over a period of time. This can be to trick or pressure a young person into something sexual, exchanging compromising photos or videos of themselves, or luring them to meet in person, which can often be to sexualize, abuse or worse. Oftentimes, this process can be drawn out in an effort to lower the child's inhibitions and increase their curiosity about their bodies and sexuality; with the ultimate goal of getting the child to meet in person.


The internet has become a rampant tool for online predators to ensnare and abuse young people. They will use the guise of fake profile pictures and ages and spend their time in virtual spaces that are geared toward youth. Online games, social media, and even karaoke apps have been the breeding ground for such abuse. It is virtually impossible to ensure

Spot The Signs

Ideally, the lines of communication between a child and their parents or guardian are open and free-flowing, which means it is more likely that the child will share with their trusted adult what and who is occupying their time. However, so often this is not the case. There are some things to keep an eye out for, should this potentially be happening in your child's life.

  • Your child is communicating with people you do not know, including new members on your Child's friends list

  • Unexplained gifts appear. New toys or games etc. This may often come in the form of a virtual gift card to your child

  • You find inappropriate search results on web browsers. They are often instructed to search for these things by the predator/groomer.

  • Your child begins using sexualized language

  • You find inappropriate images on the device or computer. This can often be sent to the child as a ploy by the groomer to normalize certain types of images and conversation.

  • Your child spends an increased amount of time online.

  • The child becomes disinterested in regular activities with family and friends. This can be due to the groomer attempting to distance the child from safe people in their lives. Creating wedges between the family and the child can cause the child to seek more solace with the abuser.

  • The child undergoes mood swings and bouts of aggression. They can become secretive, withdrawn and depressed.

It's important to start having an open dialogue with your children early and often, so they recognize you as a source of support, feedback and honest and safe communication.

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